Sunday, November 13, 2011


Great but busy day at work today! I'm OH SO THANKFUL for having supportive nurses, techs, and, yes, even MD's! I realize that I have more respect for others (and myself) when actions take place from a place of calm, assertive, and collected energy. I value efficiency and get frustrated when things don't flow effectively. Alas, it's my lack of patience that ends up short-changing me. I'll work on it! SCOUT'S HONOR.

Oh, there was the cuuuuuutest patient today--she waved to me from her wheelchair as she awaited an escort to transport her off the floor. She had the biggest smile on her face! Lit up my day! I love genuine enthusiasm! Gusto! Awww, like a puppy--so excited about most anything! :D

Friday, November 11, 2011

Lovely Leaves

I love leaves so much! I am going to share another picture of the glorious color changes found on the east coast :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Guru Nanak Dev Ji!

(statement from SALDEF)

Over 500 years ago, Guru Nanak Dev Ji set out on a journey of spreading the messages of peace, love, unity, mutual respect, service and dedication to all of humankind. For Sikhs across the world, today marks a special day of celebrating the birth of our first Guru, the founder of the Sikh faith.

As Sikhs across the world celebrate this day, President Barack Obama issued the following statement:

"I send my best wishes to all those observing the anniversary of the birth of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the first Sikh Guru. On this occasion, we are reminded of the fundamental principles of Sikhism, including the equality of all people, the sanctity of living an honest life, and the importance of service to our neighbors."

It's Autumn!!

My most favorite season! I love the colors! They make me feel alive! Such a burst of glory! The reds! The yellows! The oranges! Uh-Maaaazing! It's like trees put on one final spectacle of vibrancy before they enter hibernation through the winter. It's inspiring!

I feel so thankful for being able to experience this! It makes me feel grateful for being on the east coast!

Monday, April 18, 2011

tired days

i haven't updated in a while (over a year!) sucked into work, school, and life. priorities shifted. i'm still having trouble expressing myself so i'm going to make more of a consistent effort to post.

i am thankful for the opportunity to work this past weekend and today. i am looking forward to having some spending monies (finally!). life is grand and imma drop a grand as i enjoy it to its fullest--hella hedonistic, say whaaaaa, jaykay dawg

anyhow, i am thankful for great people in my life. i may have trouble with words but i have found a handful of people who i am able to communicate with without struggling to express myself. its that sense of understanding and feeling of acceptance which resonates.

i feel like this world is an amazing opportunity for self-discovery and self-actualization. i am in the midst of accepting the daunting yet gratifying challenge to do so.

it takes ONE to know ONE.
by letting go of expectations (constructs of the mind), you can be open to the amazing, limitless world of opportunity and creativity. bonds on the atomic through emotional levels. open up and connect with others. constructs of the mind may prove useful to house difficult emotions or express abundant joy.

my language may seem esoteric and nebulous. its hard for me to confine my views into specific words. i can feel myself turning away in apathy. what's the use? why does it matter? i understand i'm here now and i should learn to make the most of it. i'm learning to let go of struggling to be who i believe i should be and accepting myself for who i am. i resonate with people who understand the significance of life and don't waste their time discussing it--rather their actions express their intentions and beliefs. life's too short. live it!

i'm thankful for the internet.